I answer Quora question ‘As a liberal, what would you do if your best friend told you that they voted for Trump?’

The question: As a liberal, what would you do if your best friend told you that they voted for Trump?
Another Quora comment called this a “quandary” and it certainly can be.

Not only did someone I know support Trump, but it was one of my brothers.

So when people ask “Do you know any Trump supporters?” I have to say yes. In fact, as I noted on my podcast, I once did an art show at a gallery owned by someone I later found out was a Qanon-type person. Obviously, the problem there is that, if I basically demonize anyone who accidentally had positive acquaintance with a Trump supporter, I would therefore also have to demonize myself.

That being said, I have blocked that gallery owner on Facebook, which is both my choice and my right, largely because she was obviously “too far gone” down a far-right rabbit hole, including posting some relatively subtle (yet still noticeable) anti-semitic memes. (To be fair to myself, I have also blocked leftists on Facebook, including a guy who was a rabid defender of Stalin, which is almost even more absurd than defending Trump, as very few people publicly will defend Stalin anymore, including even plenty of state-communists).

Oddly enough, the “too far gone” still is not true for every Trumpist, especially when some have abandoned Trump, and some people will even change their political persuasion and either move more toward the middle or, in some cases, perhaps even to the left. That actually can still happen if you just talk to people.

Frankly, many Trumpists just need to work on their critical thinking skills, or maybe they simply lack that ability in their brains. Frankly, I don’t 100% get it, as some of them still think Trump is a relatively normal person and not a neo-fascist theocrat, despite all the blatant signals and overt messaging that he wants to overthrow US democracy and the US Constitution (he literally even recently said we need to “terminate” any parts of the US Constitution that don’t put him back in the office for 2024).

So, look, if you want to shun any and all Trump supporters, I absolutely get it. That is your choice

However, I have to say there is something lazy about it, straight up. You might want to be supportive of democracy (such as it is) and say that their choice is their right, but explain why they made the wrong choice, in supporting Trump or any number of other things.

If the friend is someone you’ve been close to for a while, you might let them know that it’s hurtful to hear the things they’re saying about yourself and the country, which is absolutely the case regarding Trump and the modern Republican Party. It’s not just Democrats and the LGBT community they are endangering (though that’s bad enough). Keep in mind they are increasingly a threat to immigrants and minorities, teachers, scientists, non-Christians, workers who want a stronger voice in the workplace, non-extremist parents, people who work in media and who disagree with “MAGA”, people who want even modest gun control, advocates for police reform, children who are slightly different (even if they’re not LGBT, neo-fascists will most certainly find something “demonic” about certain kids), much of the art community, and women overall (what they are doing regarding women’s reproductive health and sex lives is absolutely atrocious).

With all that going on, I understand walking away from people who support these efforts, but it might not be the best idea every time. It’s ultimately up to you, but I encourage you to have that internal debate about what is right for you, and right for society.

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